We have decided to wage War On Weight. Being overweight and obese has reached epidemic proportions in the US. My friends and i are armed and ready for this war and we are already winning. We started doing some research on the internet and the data and statistics are staggering. Research has shown that as your weight increases to reach the levels that are considered as being overweight or obese the risk factor for the following conditions also increases. Coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and the list goes on. Obesity; is a common serious and costly issue. About one third of adults in the USA are obese. With concerted [weight control] efforts we will be better able to maintain a [healthy weight]. We should also strive to understand the relationship between [calories and weight] ....
Join us and help others in their fight to lose weight == Help Us Fight!! ==
Win your own personal war against your extra weight -- Liquidate The Weight!! --
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