Saturday, 17 March 2012

10 Quick Self-empowerment Tips to Help you Become a More Successful Person

10 Quick Self-empowerment Tips to Help you Become a More Successful Person

1. Be genuine - Hypocrisy will just bring you all the way down. Be genuinely nice and interested in people.
2. Be the greatest listener that you can be - To earn the love and trust of the people, listen to their problems and sympathize with them.
3. Laugh out loud - A person oozing with an awesome sense of humor attracts crowds and eventually, attracts success.
4. Don’t forget yourself - Remember, love and value yourself before anyone else. If you deem yourself respectable and worthy of affection, people will flock to you and not trample on you.
5. Do random acts of kindness - Little acts of kindness matters the most, and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise you-take-care card or helping an elderly person cross the street.
6. Contact your old friends - Sad how some friendships are destined to goodbye, but thanks to technology, you can do something about it.
7. Develop your personality - Are you grouchy, grumpy and generally morose? Whoa, you can’t go through life with those.
8. Be confident - Be able to stride to the other corner of the room and introduce yourself to people with that winning smile of yours. Just remember: be confident, not arrogant.
9. Practice control - When angry, don’t snap at anyone. Never throw a tantrum. Stay calm and collected. Be adult enough to take control of situations and transform your anger into something more productive and passive.
10. Keep nurturing your relationships - Your relationship with your family, friends and significant others is too precious that you must not neglect it whatever happens. Go out and have fun with them. Do things together.

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